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Re: Is Karma Politically Correct? Is the World?

Oct 21, 1997 06:42 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain

In message <>, Titus Roth
<> writes
>I don't think humanity progresses because people pull themselves up by their
>own boot straps.

Sometimes I don't think humanity progresses.

>  Forerunner souls enter the earth at intervals to revitalize
>and stir spiritual strivings of mankind.

Not proven - see your quote below.

>  While some people may appear to
>build their spiritual fortunes from scratch, from the ground up, much goes on
>behind the scenes. "Clouds of witnesses" guide us unseen. Students still have
>to make the avatar's teachings part of themselves and express it in their
>unique way - not lifelessly and falsely.

I can accept and recognise that we receive unseen guidance - sometimes
intuited even as we receive it.  I am not so sure about avatars.
>"Despise not prophesyings", but "Prove all things." (St. Paul)



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