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Re: Is Karma Politically Correct? Is the World?

Oct 21, 1997 06:38 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain

In message <>, Titus Roth
<> writes
>Dr. A.M.Bain" <> wrote:
>> That the "individual path" appears to follow a process which is
>> essentially the same for all of us - it is, if you will, a law. If this
>> is indeed so (as I suspect it is) them Krishnamurti was right to say
>> that truth is a pathles land, for if all paths follow essentially the
>> same route (cf. "all roads lead to Rome" as an analogy) then there is no
>> path at all, only a process  ("evolution" if you like) to which we are
>> all subject.
>Different paths are necessary for different individuals based on their
>peculiar disposition.  But you certainly need to pick *some* path.  I don't
>quite follow the last part of your paragraph.  It is true that you can't say a
>given path is intrinsically "better" for all people.  "Good" means it achieves
>maximum results for a the type of person who follows it.

Yes.  I was asked, along with all of us, what I had learned from my
studies (or something similar).  I agree that in the beginning of a
spiritual quest we are almost certain to pick an apparent path.  As you
will be aware, for me it was a kabbalistic one.  I say an "apparent"
path because it seems to me over many years of comparative study that
such systems or paths as I have investigated have been the same thing
put in different boxes, using different words.  We could say, perhaps.
that essentially we all follow the same "path" to the same "destination"
- hence the idea that we undergo a "process" and that the following of a
path is how it *appears* to us.


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