Is Karma Politically Correct? Is the World?
Oct 21, 1997 05:15 PM
by Titus Roth
Dr. A.M.Bain" <> wrote:
> That the "individual path" appears to follow a process which is
> essentially the same for all of us - it is, if you will, a law. If this
> is indeed so (as I suspect it is) them Krishnamurti was right to say
> that truth is a pathles land, for if all paths follow essentially the
> same route (cf. "all roads lead to Rome" as an analogy) then there is no
> path at all, only a process ("evolution" if you like) to which we are
> all subject.
Different paths are necessary for different individuals based on their
peculiar disposition. But you certainly need to pick *some* path. I don't
quite follow the last part of your paragraph. It is true that you can't say a
given path is intrinsically "better" for all people. "Good" means it achieves
maximum results for a the type of person who follows it.
> "Group norms" seem to be designed as a means of avoiding these issues in
> order to claim some kind of "special-ness" for the members of the group,
> whether societal, or devised (as in organisations such as TS) and by so
> doing to *exclude* those who do not "fit" the norm.
Pathological groups are that way. Even originally healthy groups often
degenerate into the type you describe. Several forces work to derail them.
Unfortunately, they are little understood.
I don't think humanity progresses because people pull themselves up by their
own boot straps. Forerunner souls enter the earth at intervals to revitalize
and stir spiritual strivings of mankind. While some people may appear to
build their spiritual fortunes from scratch, from the ground up, much goes on
behind the scenes. "Clouds of witnesses" guide us unseen. Students still have
to make the avatar's teachings part of themselves and express it in their
unique way - not lifelessly and falsely.
"Despise not prophesyings", but "Prove all things." (St. Paul)
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