Re: K Quote - Need Help.
Oct 21, 1997 07:32 PM
by ramadoss
Here is a response which seems relevant.
>Return-Path: listening-l-owner@zrz.TU-Berlin.DE
>From: Benachad <>
>Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 22:03:45 EDT
>To: Listening-l@zrz.TU-Berlin.DE
>Subject: Re: K Quote - Need Help.
>Organization: AOL (
>In a message dated 97-10-21 19:32:24 EDT, you write:
><< I am posting this to listening-l as I need help in locating the following
> Here is something I read in a post on another maillist. Can anyone help
> identifying if anyone recalls this incident, because I have not seen it.
> mkr
> ===================================================
> I agree 100 % to that what you write but I have questions concerning
> Krishnamurti.
> According to HPB literature Krishnamurti was once asked to help
> a deeply hurted clearvoyant woman who lost all her six sons in wars.
> She came to him and asked why this had happend to her because she
> herself was not able to "see" it. He answered that the cause was that
> she had killed some ants 51 incarnations ago.
> I consider this answer fist to be heartless, second there still is the
> wrong believe of "cause and effect" and third 51 incarnations ago
> to me does not sound very true. What surely worked here is that
> Kirshnamurti with this answer is able to gain some power on the
> cost of the poor women and maybe presses her deeper down then
> she might have felt before she went to meet him.
> >>
>The story you refer to is not about Krishamurti. If it was in HPB literature,
>and I do think such a story might be in Isis Unveiled (I will check) you
>should be aware that her writings were prior to K's teaching. In fact she died
>just around (prior to?) his birth. I believe you are confusing Krishna for
>Krishnamurti. Also, this story should be taken in context for its full
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