Oct 22, 1997 03:01 AM
by Nicole Suter
To mkr: "It is very interesting. This is the first time I am hearing about
it. Where
did you find this quote?"
I have been led to it in the Anthropogenesis and I will ask for a refinding.
Please give me some time to do it.
"I would like to go to the original source and read the full account."
It's not very long - only a few lines. To me it was long enough, kind of
a confirming of what I have seen "Krishnamurti" doing to people here
in Switzerland - its worse than what the scientology "church" is doing.
This is because everything I have so far read relating to Jiddu Krishnamurti
indicates that he never discussed the "cause and effect" issue dealing with
one did in one of the past lives."
What is it about him, you so much like? Could you please explain that if you
wish to?
I don't want to hurt you but out of my belly I feel the following - that name
"Krishna m u r t i" sounds like "John Brown's body lies amoldring in the
grave" (compared to Krishna Vishnu which "looks" like a golden sun) and
what I have
red from him feels like hot air. To me, it s o u n d s very intelectual
but it
lacks heart.
Just my opinion,
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