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Re: K Quote - Need Help.

Oct 22, 1997 10:52 AM
by ramadoss

At 01:17 PM 10/22/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>According to HPB literature Krishnamurti was once asked to help
>>a deeply hurted  clearvoyant woman who lost all her six sons in wars.
>>She came to him and asked why this had happend to her because she
>>herself was not able to "see" it. He answered that the cause was that
>>she had killed some ants 51 incarnations ago.
>>I consider this answer fist to be heartless, second there still is the
>>wrong believe of "cause and effect" and third 51 incarnations ago
>>to me does not sound very true. What surely worked here is that
>>Kirshnamurti with this answer is able to gain some power on the
>>cost of the poor women and maybe presses her deeper down then
>>she might have felt before she went to meet him.
>This doesn't sound like anything Krishnaji would say from all that I have 
>read and heard. Might I ask where you heard this or what the source is? 
>You can be walking down the street and step on ants and not even know it. 
>We've probably all "murdered" helpless ants thousands of times without 
>even being aware of it.
>"If during the day you are alert, aware of all the movement of thought, 
>aware of what you are saying, your gestures....your responses, then all 
>the hidden things come out very that state of awareness 
>everything is exposed."  J. Krishnamurti (You Are The World)
>G. Shane Hendricks, MLT (ASCP)

I found this in another maillist. I have asked the author and I will post
the response of the author. It appears there was some confusion between
Krishna (well known Indian God/Avatara) and Krishnamurti who was no relation
to Krishna.


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