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Re: Foundation

Oct 22, 1997 11:11 AM
by ramadoss

At 10:16 AM 10/22/97 -0400, you wrote:
>On Mon, 20 Oct 1997, M K Ramadoss wrote:
>> It is my normal practice that on very important matters like this, I go to
>> the very top. It was a formal request by a dues paying member to the elected
>> head of the organization. I think the top elected official has the
>> responsibility to respond. Also the request was put in writing and in a
>> couple of followup letters/msgs, I did remind the National President about
>> his being silent.
>> The silence speaks for itself, and at least we have theos-l to let everybody
>> know about it.
>Yes. This last year the President of the Montana Federation wrote the
>National Secretary and requested a list of the Montana members - it is
>something he had been able to get in the past ... the Federation is
>somewhat important in Montana, as we have very few people, and the members
>are scattered across a huge geographical area, Lodges are difficult to
>form. The President wanted to do a mailing, and hold a meeting to see
>about putting energy back into Theosophy in Montana, and to have a
>discussion about the By-Law changes (all but one member of the branch I
>belong to quit paying dues after the By-Laws "housekeeping" changes were
>pushed through). Well, the Federation President got a letter back saying
>that Wheaton didn't "recognize" the Montana Federation (odd, since the
>President had gotten mail as Federation President from both Wheaton and
>the Northwest Federation in past years). What might the motive be? Perhaps
>that he had represented Bing when Headquarters was engaged in its noble
>crusade (an *ugly* story), or had actually run for office against one of
>HQ's chosen ones ... and did uncomfortably well. 
>So most Theosophists in Montana no longer affiliate with Wheaton. They
>still live the life. They still sometimes actually meet. They just see
>little reason to pay $30 dollars a year to an organization that does not
>facilitate their activities, but instead often appears as though it wants
>to inhibit them. -JRC

The current situation in many parts of the country is pitiful as far as
lodge membership is concerned. At the rate at which we are seeing decline in
the lodge membership, very few lodges will be left in the near future,
especially after all the old timers pass away. 

I am yet to see any comprehensive plan to address where TSA is going in the
next decade apart from efforts to take over control of the assets which was
at the root of the so called "house-keeping' changes pushed through hook or
crook by the National Board some time ago. May be the objective is to shrink
the membership. Who knows?

In this days of "democracy" it is time that we all need to know where the
TSA is going so that we can get whole hearted and creative support of
everyone not simply those sheep who can't think or are afraid of thinking.

The TIT as it is constituted now, has a great built-in danger, in that TIT
is not answerable to anyone if TSA folds up and also TIT can then change its
internal setup in such a way it does even give up the properties it has
taken control of and the Trustees can become self-perpetuating. This is a
potential problem. Such a thing is not far fetched. Similar things have
happened elsewhere in the past. 

The Krishnamurti Trusts led by D. Rajagopal (who was touted by TS Leaders of
his time as an Initiate having passed the 2nd Initiation) had to be sued by
the State of California and the new Trusts when it refused to account to
Krishnamurti himself the moneys donated for Krishnamurti and his work.

Truth can be stranger than fiction.


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