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Re: Is Karma Politically Correct? Is the World?

Oct 22, 1997 09:50 AM
by Titus Roth

I wrote:

>> Forerunner souls enter the earth at intervals to revitalize and stir
>> spiritual strivings of mankind.

"Dr. A.M.Bain" <> wrote:

> Not proven - see your quote below.

Depends on what level of proof you want.  Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tsu, Milarepa,
St. Francis, ... etc ... etc ... etc ... illustrate my point: When they were
in the world, they attracted sincere and dedicated persons who were inspired
to strive more deeply. When the great teachers left the world, dedication
became more and more encrusted with personal ambition and tepid fervor. In
some cases, such as with the Franciscan Order, successive leaders became
out-and-out persecutors. We are left on our own for a while, but then another
avatar comes. Too bad they are not often recognized in their own time. "A
prophet is not without honor, save in his own country."

> I can accept and recognise that we receive unseen guidance - sometimes
> intuited even as we receive it.  I am not so sure about avatars.

There are degrees of avatars.  I think of many people as God-sent.

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