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Re: Is Karma Politically Correct? Is the World?

Oct 22, 1997 04:27 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain

In message <>, Titus Roth
<> writes
>I wrote:
>>> Forerunner souls enter the earth at intervals to revitalize and stir
>>> spiritual strivings of mankind.
>"Dr. A.M.Bain" <> wrote:
>> Not proven - see your quote below.
>Depends on what level of proof you want.  Buddha, Jesus, Lao Tsu, Milarepa,
>St. Francis, ... etc ... etc ... etc ... illustrate my point: When they were
>in the world, they attracted sincere and dedicated persons who were inspired
>to strive more deeply. When the great teachers left the world, dedication
>became more and more encrusted with personal ambition and tepid fervor. In
>some cases, such as with the Franciscan Order, successive leaders became
>out-and-out persecutors. We are left on our own for a while, but then another
>avatar comes. Too bad they are not often recognized in their own time. "A
>prophet is not without honor, save in his own country."

Still not proven.  The above is assertion accompanied by a quotation
which may or may not be relevant.  I could quote Matt. 19:10ff and argue
that Jesus favored castration for all of his (male) followers and there
is a case to answer, including historically.
>> I can accept and recognise that we receive unseen guidance - sometimes
>> intuited even as we receive it.  I am not so sure about avatars.
>There are degrees of avatars.  I think of many people as God-sent.

Thank you :-)


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