Re: THEOS-L digest 1275
Oct 09, 1997 12:35 PM
by libidia
Thanks to all for your lovely list and personal messages to me. Right back
at you, ten fold. I am feeling physically better but emotionally real
shaky. I've had a couple of significant dreams since the op. One that
informed me that this time it was either my dad or me to go and he wanted to
stay real bad, so it was a near thing. The other in which I was giving a
rousing speech to the US Congress about morality, from which Pete, the
Theosophist, woke me just as I was getting somewhere. Sound familiar?
MKR wrote:
>May be each one of us in our own way contribute what we can to
>further the cause of betterment of the conditions of Humanity.
I think a lot of people are doing this, increasingly now. I now mark in my
daily organizer with the "Save the Planet" meditation days so that I can add
my little bit of energy to the mass meditations that I believe are
happening, thanks to the Internet.
As for this
>View of the Chohan on the T. S.
I have no idea what this document is, but have snipped a few of the phrases
that give me real problems and, for some reason, pictures of guys in black
boots with their arms outretched:
>The doctrine we promulgate must, -- -- become......
>ultimately triumphant as every other truth.......
>gradually enforcing its theories.....
>react on......
>we have to preach and popularise.......
>to cause as many of our fellow creatures as we possibly can......
>we must strive to make other people see that truth......
>that curse known as the "struggle for life," ......
As for the rest of it, oh yeah you wanna believe the TS should leave the
rest of us teeming masses to find our own way. Praise the "xxx",
hallelujah, that my great grandfather was so teeming busy with back breaking
physical labour down on the farm, blissfully ignorant of "philosophy and
science", (he couldn't read), completely unaware that ANYTHING needed
"proof", and took the time to tell me just a little of the secret of
"understanding" the truth all around us. We studied Maslow in our MBA
courses (can't remember why it was on the curriculum) and I think it's a
great reverse psychological idea that works, cos the harder one tries to fit
into that heirarchy, thinking that getting "control" of stuff on the lower
levels of that pyramid will release one to reach "self-actualization", the
more one actually fails and so comes back that old understanding that was
always there.
I've said it before and I say it again - all these words are just symbols by
people in various stages of understanding themselves and needing to tell
someone else. I'm the worst of these people and I still don't understand
why I can't shut up, but one day I know I will get there and there will be
no need to say anything else to anyone. (Defeaning cheers from all)
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