Re: Intro to Crowley Studies
Oct 09, 1997 09:05 AM
by Tim Maroney
>Excellent. Do you have the material on the Wierda Conference where he was
>proclaimed the TRUE world teacher (as opposed to the boring Krishnamurti)?
No, unfortunately Crowley's seeking the mantle of the World Teacher has
not featured prominently in biographies done to date. I am only aware of
this in connection with some of his German activities w.r.t. the
Fraternitas Saturni and sources in English are weak on this point.
Flowers is an unreliable historian to say the least. I'd be grateful for
any pointers to information on the subject.
Crowley and Krishnamurti -- I think I feel a stage play coming on......
(Did I remember to mention that both people who love Crowley and people
who hate him may like this introduction?)
Tim Maroney
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