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Re: Foundation

Oct 09, 1997 06:59 AM
by Bart Lidofsky

Ken Malkin wrote:
> Bart,
> What is the Foundations name? From whom and how can the by-laws be
> obtained? Where is this foundation centered? Who are the officers,
> trustees and managment of this Theosophical "Foundation"?
> I and several more people I think would like to know. Please avoid a run
> around if you can. Don't mask you answers with legal cans and can'ts
> this time. Just reply to the simple questions, simply.
> I would be most appreciative, thank you in advance for your effort.

	You can do exactly the same thing I would do to get the answer: Send
mail, email, or call the National Headquarters at Wheaton, and ask. I,
however, have been forced by the actions of some people on this list not
to quote any source other than myself and matters of public record.

	Bart Lidofsky

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