Re: Elite or Enlightened? RE: Maslow
Oct 09, 1997 09:44 AM
by A. Safron
> Subject: Elite or Enlightened? RE: Maslow
> Date: Wednesday, October 08, 1997 10:31 PM
> ------------------------------
> Keith: Thanks A. Safron. I was just about to make the same point. The
> extremely rich get to be eccentric, the poor get to be crazy outcasts, but the
> teachings are open to all if they take the time to seek, no matter the cost.
> I fall in the latter category, as I am poor, but often put such things ahead
> of obligations, but that fall under karma and dharma, doesn't it? I should
> pay my bills, I have a duty, but I want to explore this because, I MUST!
> Namaste
> Keith Price
(Keith and I slap cyberhands in agreement)
A Safron
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