Re: Intro to Crowley Studies
Oct 09, 1997 10:35 AM
by Drpsionic
In a message dated 97-10-09 12:25:58 EDT, you write:
>Flowers is an unreliable historian to say the least. I'd be grateful for
>any pointers to information on the subject.
I have heard that from a few of the local ranking OTO people. On the other
hand, Frater U.D. speaks very highly of his book on the FS in his Letters From
Germany. As I am not enough of an expert on the subject, I am naturally
somewhat confused as to whose interpretation is right.
My personal view is that if one looks at cultural impact, at least in the
west, Crowley has had a far greater effect than Krishnamurti not only directly
on the magickal culture, but, through his disciples, on the culture at large.
Virtually everything we take for granted in our culture, from pan-sexual
freedom to the abolition of authority has either its roots or its strongest
proponent in Crowley. He taught that one could function as a spiritual being
without the moral or ethical baggage that all other teachers presuppose and is
certainly far more deserving of the title World Teacher than any of the other
Do What Thou Wilt IS the Whole of the Law.
Chuck the Heretic
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