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Re: See-er

Oct 09, 1997 02:15 PM
by libidia

Hi again Bart:  You wrote
> I can guess. I am not always correct.

You think I am?  Hey, I started out like you, a supremely confident, know it
all little kid, who when questioned by anyone or anything, just immediately
spoke "the truth as I knew it".  I'm still doing it, but only when I feel
safe!  Of course now I'm all mixed up with being told by sages and experts
and "parents" and governments that I don't know shit and all I have is "my

I could be grossly "wrong" but as long as I remember the "golden rule" -
"Harm None", only my fear stops me from "knowing and telling".

When I doubt myself, I go to the Spirit WWW and read from the "real
If I just wait, I get signs - like from my surgeon who looked right into me,
smiled and shook my hand before he released me.  Talk about connection!
Right after extracting this 8" metal tube from my you know where, wide awake
in the most embarrassing postion a woman can be in when not in the thoes of
passion, I get a message of recognition beyond words.

It's a interesting journey.  Not half!

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