Re: THEOS-L digest 1275
Oct 10, 1997 02:19 PM
by Titus Roth
"libidia" <> wrote:
> As for this View of the Chohan on the T. S.
> I have no idea what this document is, but have snipped a few of the phrases
> that give me real problems and, for some reason, pictures of guys in black
> boots with their arms outretched:
>> The doctrine we promulgate must, -- -- become......
>> ultimately triumphant as every other truth.......
>> gradually enforcing its theories.....
>> man.....
>> react on......
>> we have to preach and popularise.......
>> to cause as many of our fellow creatures as we possibly can......
>> we must strive to make other people see that truth......
>> that curse known as the "struggle for life," ......
Understandable reaction. Those much abused words also make me shrink a
little. But I think the Maha Chohan meant making truths available to receptive
people, not mean forcing it on people who don't want it. I, for one, am glad
for the Asoka's, the St. Paul's, and the Vivekananda's who made the doctrines
of their obscure and little known teachers available to me. Likewise, I'm
glad HPB didn't hide her light under a bushell.
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