Re: Dinner dates - to Bart
Oct 09, 1997 10:57 AM
by kymsmith
Bart writes:
>John Algeo is impeccably clean, is a
>scintillating conversationalist, and has wonderful table manners.
Really now! One time I lived next door to a man who had all these fine
qualities you list above. Then, one hot summer day, a barrage of police
cars pulled up to the house, and after quite a brouhaha, hauled this refined
gentlemen off to jail. Turns out he had whacked the head off of a business
partner's of his about six years prior. . .
You have been warned, Bart. And I did notice you didn't list, among Algeo's
admirable qualities, what a beacon of theosophy he is. Typo?
>Wino's have a disgusting smell about them, are frequently incoherent,
>and have terrible table manners.
A few years ago, I suffered from an affliction I can only refer to as "rabid
Christian fundamentalism" (but I'm ok now, medication helps alot), and
during this illness, a group of us would often go out to the seedy sides of
town to rescue lost souls. Off we went, "impeccably clean" in body and
soul. Part of the conversion process was to lure people with food - so we
went around offering sandwiches and various drinks. One hapless soul,
shivering and hungry, fell into my trap - I'd feed him for a price - that
being to hear me roar. As he eagerly ate his food, I went on and on about
how Jesus died for his sins and he need only turn back to God to live
happily ever after and blah, blah, blah. He occasionally nodded to cue me
he was listening lest I leave with the food. He would belch, and burp, and
smack, and even groan while eating - those actions were about to kill me,
but I was sustained knowing I was a warrior of God's. After the meal and
the sermon, I asked him if he would like to pray - he looked at me and said
"Ok." He put in hands together in the way I showed him since God has a
favorite prayer position and it was important that this wino know that. He
began his prayer, "Dear God, Jackson here. One of your creations and all of
your creations are good. This creation has one of your other creations
kneeling here next to me, as I know you can see. Lord, she means well, but
until she removes her pretty little head from up her butt, I think she may
end up like me. Thank you, Lord, and good night." I was aghast and sure
that the Devil was in him and trying to steal a piece of my halo. Jackson
turned to me and thanked me for the meal and walked off. I scurried back to
the bosom of my group and they helped me reaffirm that I was a "chosen one"
and some people just never will "get it." Then, off I went again, 'a wino
And it took me a couple years to finally even bother to think about what
Jackson was trying to tell me. . .and the message changed my life.
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