Re: Dinner dates - to Bart
Oct 09, 1997 03:42 PM
by Bart Lidofsky wrote:
> Bart writes:
> >John Algeo is impeccably clean, is a
> >scintillating conversationalist, and has wonderful table manners.
> Really now! One time I lived next door to a man who had all these fine
> qualities you list above. Then, one hot summer day, a barrage of police
> cars pulled up to the house, and after quite a brouhaha, hauled this refined
> gentlemen off to jail. Turns out he had whacked the head off of a business
> partner's of his about six years prior. . .
At dinner?
> You have been warned, Bart. And I did notice you didn't list, among Algeo's
> admirable qualities, what a beacon of theosophy he is. Typo?
I consider being a beacon of theosophy neither a plus nor a minus in
regard to someone's desireability as a dinner companion.
> >Wino's have a disgusting smell about them, are frequently incoherent,
> >and have terrible table manners.
> A few years ago, I suffered from an affliction I can only refer to as "rabid
> Christian fundamentalism" (but I'm ok now, medication helps alot), and
> and some people just never will "get it." Then, off I went again, 'a wino
> huntin'.
> And it took me a couple years to finally even bother to think about what
> Jackson was trying to tell me. . .and the message changed my life.
I was speaking of an iconical wino vs. the real John Algeo.
Bart Lidofsky
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