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Digest 1289

Oct 21, 1997 08:14 AM
by Nicole Suter

To Alan: "That the "individual path" appears to follow a process which is
essentially the same for all of us - it is, if you will, a law. If this
is indeed so (as I suspect it is) them Krishnamurti was right to say
that truth is a pathles land, for if all paths follow essentially the
same route (cf. "all roads lead to Rome" as an analogy) then there is no
path at all, only a process  ("evolution" if you like) to which we are
all subject."

I agree 100 % to that what you write but I have  questions concerning

According to HPB literature Krishnamurti was once asked to help
a deeply hurted  clearvoyant woman who lost all her six sons in wars.
She came to him and asked why this had happend to her because she
herself was not able to "see" it. He answered that the cause was that
she had killed some ants 51 incarnations ago.

I consider this answer fist to be heartless, second there still is the
wrong believe of "cause and effect" and third 51 incarnations ago
to me does not sound very true. What surely worked here is that
Kirshnamurti with this answer is able to gain some power on the
cost of the poor women and maybe presses her deeper down then
she might have felt before she went to meet him.

I think that Krishna Vishnu might be a more worthful address ...
what do you or others think of it?


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