Digest 1290
Oct 21, 1997 08:45 AM
by Nicole Suter
To Vincent: "Poe was correct; the mind is an external form contained in the
physical planes. The important responsiblity of the mind is to limit the soul."
Sorry for interrupting, but this sounds very interesting. I have a question:
Is there also a possibility to use the mind in a way that it enriches the soul?
"You might remember Gladis Cravits in "Bewitched" saying
that she didn't see what had just witnessed; saying to herself that she
just would not remember it. Most people have that kind of reaction, and
they truly forget."
Here I agree 100 % with you. I had to overwind that myself too.
To Alan: >Is a poor private person able to buy a proper translation of the
word "chela"?
Thank you for that. Is there also a Sanskrit word for the "apostle" - so to say
a "chela" with the Briatic level?
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