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'Cuse me? - to Bart

Oct 20, 1997 03:36 PM
by kymsmith

Bart wrote:

> wrote:
>> Maybe this computer screen, and all you "theos people," are nothing but my
>> own bout with indigestion or shadows of electric shock therapy. . .
>	Personally, I have seen a large increase in discussion on theosophy,
>and a lot less meaningless sniping and personal attacks around here.
>This list has really been improving over the last few months.

What does your response connect with the statement of mine you cited?  The
statement you snipped out is a philosophical (what is reality?) musing on my
part - and a familiar one at that - no personal attacks anywhere in it -
well, unless it somehow angers a person if another person is wondering if
that angered person exists at all. . ..  I'm thinking your response is
implying that, in this particular case, I meant to insult people.  I'm
crushed you think so lowly of me, Bart.  

The only person I've MEANT to insult lately has been Chuck - and I'm
downright filled with glee over that.  I believe he can stick up for
himself, albeit feeble, if he feels it warranted - but, if in some
roundabout way, you're trying to come to his aid in some "brotherhood"
manner, perhaps that could be considered admirable in its own way.   

Did you misunderstand my statement?  Did I misunderstand your response?  Has
something specific perturbed you? (besides the fact that I incarnated in the
same time period as you)


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