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Digest 1285

Oct 20, 1997 07:59 AM
by Nicole Suter

To C. Pickar:

"I didn't introduce or comment on the subject of shields, (Bart did).  Bart,
also, answered - I agree with his answer.  We can't drop our shields with
everyone.  Knowing who we can drop our shields with and who we can't is a
form of  DISCRIMINATION.   While we can't drop them with everyone and, yes, I
do know a few individuals who drop their shield (probably not 100% I doubt if
any of us are ready for that).  IMHO, the ability to drop one's shield and
allow others to drop theirs without criticsm,  condemnation or
judgementalness is, if not in itself, then a form of, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE."

Thank you for your interesting explanations - I think unconditional love
naturally happens between a mother and her child as long as it is a baby.

 "Our inability to drop our shield without ego getting in the way, or being a
doormat for other and permitting the same of others is IMHO, the root of  a
great deal of our personal problems in relationships, jobs and community."

Is it the ego or the desire of possesion which can easily lead to obsession and
is often "sold" as "unconditional love"?

 "I can recommend at least 3 non- "Theosophical" books that can shed some light
on this.   If your interested e-mail me".

Thank you for that - I will think about it.

"I don't want to bore the list with it. "

I sincerely hope I don't.

"This also ties into concepts of racism - (Comment in digest 1281 about
"the white supremisct''.)  BTW,  I'm in Chicago and I didn't realize we had
rabid race fever
here.  (Earlier dialogues) I was under the impression it was a global problem."

I guess it is both, global and local.


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