Digest 1284
Oct 20, 1997 07:17 AM
by Nicole Suter
To Alan: "When the temple is built, the tools [system] are set aside."
That's the "truth" of the "truth" - just my opinion.
>I tried to look up the English expression for the German specialist term
>"Grenzen" but wasn't successful. It is relatet to personal limits.
"My dictionary says:
grenzen: to border upon; to adjoin.
Grenze: frointier, boundary, limit."
Thank you for your help. My dictionary says the same - but I still have the
feeling that I have not been able to find the correct word - shields seems
to be the nearest one.
To Bart Lidofsky: "In between the lines; I DID say, "extrapolating".
Sorry - I must have overread that.
"From things like explaining what their other duties were, their mentioning
of other groups, etc. gave me a feeling for on the order of how many other
groups of Adepts there were, and taking that over the history of the human
Sounds very interesting - what does your feeling say - how many other
groups of Adepts are there in 1997?
"That comes from more of the writings by and about them; descriptions of
their feelings on working in the outside world, descriptions of their
relations with other Mahatmas, descriptions of what it is to be a
Mahatma, etc. "
You seem to have read so many wise things I havn't at all. But here I am
wondering about one point - if a Mahatma describes his relations with
other Mahatmas and writes it down, it somehow seems to be logical
that he is only able to note very little. What do you think of that?
"If a human being could become immortal, then that person might be able
to do it him or herself, given several centuries."
Since I am a child I work without a group but I did not become immortal
neither do I feel that I am given serveral centuries - but I have always felt
that there must be something "wrong" with me! (Hi, hi)
> Thank you for the explanations. I have another question - what does
> happen if the BOTH are right?
An unfortunate mistake.
Please explain why, if you wish to do so.
"The idea is that the group can eventually be brought back to the traditions,
and the disgruntled member can work to bring the group back."
Maybe the disgruntled members should learn how they find a way for
themselfes to feel content without going back to the group's traditions but
make something new for their own personalities?
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