Re: Foundation
Oct 20, 1997 12:39 PM
by Bart Lidofsky
M K Ramadoss wrote:
> It is my normal practice that on very important matters like this, I go to
> the very top. It was a formal request by a dues paying member to the elected
> head of the organization. I think the top elected official has the
> responsibility to respond. Also the request was put in writing and in a
> couple of followup letters/msgs, I did remind the National President about
> his being silent.
That does not sound like John, but I have no reason to doubt your word.
In any case, a good general rule is that when you wish something of an
organization, you first ask the person whose job it is to have the
information, and then, if you're not satisfied, you go to the top. And
Floyd is pretty much in charge of keeping track of financial matters for
the Society.
Bart Lidofsky
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