Re: Is Karma Politically Correct? Is the World?
Oct 20, 1997 12:21 PM
by Vincent Beall wrote:
> Maybe this computer screen, and all you "theos people," are nothing but my
> own bout with indigestion or shadows of electric shock therapy. . .
> Poe seems to imply that thinking is not one's liberation, but one's downfall
> - well, duh.
> Kym
Poe was correct; the mind is an external form contained in the physical
planes. The important responsiblity of the mind is to limit the soul. If
you have ever been a part of an actual magical event and been resposible
for it you would know.
What my mind tells me is that there are certain proceedures to follow
which engender the magical result, the actual mechanism of the action is
unknown so the mind is of no use, and can only limit ones involvement in
the magical. You might remember Gladis Cravits in "Bewitched" saying
that she didn't see what had just witnessed; saying to herself that she
just would not remember it. Most people have that kind of reaction, and
they truly forget.
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