Re: Digest 1289
Oct 21, 1997 11:01 AM
by ramadoss
At 11:14 AM 10/21/97 -0400, Nicole Suter wrote:
>To Alan: "That the "individual path" appears to follow a process which is
>essentially the same for all of us - it is, if you will, a law. If this
>is indeed so (as I suspect it is) them Krishnamurti was right to say
>that truth is a pathles land, for if all paths follow essentially the
>same route (cf. "all roads lead to Rome" as an analogy) then there is no
>path at all, only a process ("evolution" if you like) to which we are
>all subject."
>I agree 100 % to that what you write but I have questions concerning
>According to HPB literature Krishnamurti was once asked to help
>a deeply hurted clearvoyant woman who lost all her six sons in wars.
>She came to him and asked why this had happend to her because she
>herself was not able to "see" it. He answered that the cause was that
>she had killed some ants 51 incarnations ago.
It is very interesting. This is the first time I am hearing about it. Where
did you find this quote? I would like to go to the original source and read
the full account. This is because everything I have so far read relating to
Jiddu Krishnamurti indicates that he never discussed the "cause and effect"
issue dealing with what one did in one of the past lives.
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