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Re: Digest 1282

Oct 16, 1997 12:32 PM
by ramadoss

At 01:01 PM 10/15/97 -0400, you wrote:
>M K Ramadoss wrote:
>> Then we have the K after the "Truth is a Pathless Land" statement and took a
>> stand that each has to find out Truth (or whatever we want to call) and no
>> organization, no leader, no system, no belief  or anything of that sort is
>> going to help anyone searching for Truth.  Many agree with him and many do
>> not. When he took the revolutionary unexpected stand, many agreed with him
>> and many did not.
>	He never said that organizations, leaders, systems, beliefs etc. didn't
>HELP; he simply said that they won't take you all the way there.
>	Bart Lidofsky

>From what I have read, K supported organizations only for two activities.
One is a school - 1 to 12 grade and the foundations whose job was to handle
the mechanical job of publishing his lectures and tapes. Since his "Truth is
a Pathless Land" declaration he always said that organizations, leaders,
systems and beliefs can never help any one to discover Truth. He also
maintained that no one can come to Truth in a progressive manner since there
is no path to it. 


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