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Re: Digest 1282

Oct 15, 1997 10:34 AM
by Bart Lidofsky

Nicole Suter wrote:
> "From extrapolating from the Mahatma Letters, a group that makes it all the
> way only gets formed once every few centuries"
> I have never read that - where do you have if from?

	In between the lines; I DID say, "extrapolating". From things like
explaining what their other duties were, their mentioning of other
groups, etc. gave me a feeling for on the order of how many other groups
of Adepts there were, and taking that over the history of the human
race. At one company where I worked, in New York City, potential
employees had to answer satisfactorily: Without looking in any research
material, how many piano tuners are there in the city of Chicago. I got
within a factor of two of the correct answer (and the job). 

> "Nobody can safely drop their shields with everybody; note that
> the Mahatmas only did it with other Mahatmas. To drop your shields with
> somebody, that other person must be highly compatible with you, and must
> also be dropping his/her shields."
> I agree 100 % here, except that I don't know what the Mahatmas did because
> I have never met one. Have you?

	That comes from more of the writings by and about them; descriptions of
their feelings on working in the outside world, descriptions of their
relations with other Mahatmas, descriptions of what it is to be a
Mahatma, etc. 

> "It is extraordinarily rare that a group of people who can do that meet each
> other in a context where they might even try. It is my belief that, thanks
> largely to the ideas brought to the West by the TS, an atmosphere of
> encouragement for such groups to form has been created."
> I can not understand you here. Why does it always have to be groups?

	If a human being could become immortal, then that person might be able
to do it him or herself, given several centuries.

	Bart Lidofsky

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