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Re: The New Adepts

Oct 15, 1997 10:14 AM
by Bart Lidofsky wrote:
> BUT, - what I meant was: why do we need a "system" to keep out "traitors" if
> all those in the group are supposed to be Adepts?  If it were possible for a
> "fake Adept" to worm his/her way into the group - wouldn't they eventually
> fall away due to their spiritual "immaturity" - and, if they didn't - like
> Bart said - it would be because the group needed a rattling.

	I am talking about during the several centuries it takes for the group
monad to advance to a point where the individuals in the group can be
called Adepts.

> I don't know - Bart brought up this "system" thing to keep out "traitors"
> and I started thinking about it, but then Bart said that sometimes
> "traitors" are needed in a group, and my brain flashed "Tilt!," but now Bart
> won't further clarify his original point of discussion.  And I think Titus
> knows something I don't, and should.

	Actually, I didn't bring it up; someone asked me how it was done. That
person was also the one who used the term, "traitors"; I was probably
mistaken to continue to use that term. I said that I did not know the
particulars, and have little doubt that a lot of the groups, even when
formed, may die during the maturing process. The only specific system of
which I know anything is the one described by the Mahatmas, which
obviously worked for them. All I have been told otherwise is that the
groups are extremely careful about who they let in. I also stated that
any group that gathers about a single leader cannot possibly evolve into
Adepts, because the natural hierarchy is blocked by the in-place
hierarchy. It is my opinion that the group has to start out as a
democracy for a natural hierarchy (a hierarchy based on ability) to

	Note, for example the Mahatmas reportedly did not believe that the
Theosophical Society would succeed in performing the task that it was
supposed to perform, but they let M. and K.H. go ahead with it anyway,
probably on the theory, "it can't hoit". 

	Bart Lidofsky

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