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Re: The New Adepts

Oct 15, 1997 03:51 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain

In message <>, writes
>Alan wrote:
>> writes
>>>Yet, if one is an Adept when they
>>>figure out the "system," why have a "system" at all?
>>When the temple is built, the tools [system] are set aside.
>Ye are so wise!
>BUT, - what I meant was: why do we need a "system" to keep out "traitors" if
>all those in the group are supposed to be Adepts?  If it were possible for a
>"fake Adept" to worm his/her way into the group - wouldn't they eventually
>fall away due to their spiritual "immaturity" - and, if they didn't - like
>Bart said - it would be because the group needed a rattling.
>I don't know - Bart brought up this "system" thing to keep out "traitors"
>and I started thinking about it, but then Bart said that sometimes
>"traitors" are needed in a group, and my brain flashed "Tilt!," but now Bart
>won't further clarify his original point of discussion.  And I think Titus
>knows something I don't, and should.

Frankly, it doesn't make sense to me either. It doesn't even need groups
(as such) just to follow a spiritual path.  See Nicole's post(s).
Organisation to publicise things, yes - theos-l is one such.
>What do I do now, Oh, Fair and Free-haired One of Cornwall?
Make coffee and think about cats.


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