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Re: The New Adepts

Oct 16, 1997 01:55 PM
by Titus Roth asked:

> Why do we need a "system" to keep out "traitors" if all those in the group
> are supposed to be Adepts?  If it were possible for a "fake Adept" to worm
> his/her way into the group - wouldn't they eventually fall away due to their
> spiritual "immaturity" - and, if they didn't - like Bart said - it would be
> because the group needed a rattling.

> And I think Titus knows something I don't, and should.
> What do I do now, Oh, Fair and Free-haired One of Cornwall?

O Greatest of the Cornwalls, shall we initiate her into our privileged
mysteries?  After all, our arcane knowledge gleaned from torchlit ceremonies
in Himalayan caves should not be lightly given out. It could be used for great
good or incalculable harm.  Well, since the Free-haired One has seeb fit to
give out the secrets of coffee and cats, I guess I can let a little more
knowledge out ...

Seriously, I don't remember talking about a system to keep "traitors" out,
only asking Bart what to do when the inevitable trials come upon a dedicated
group of people.  It seems to be a spiritual law that you are contested from
within - whether we are talking about an individual or a group.  As Jesus
said, "A man's foes shall be they of his own household."

If I understood him, Bart said that a good group would have no contesting
persons in it, thus making my question meaningless for these advanced seed
groups. Look at the Masters, he said. I suppose I could imagine the chelas and
co-workers of the Masters being without destuctive dissensions, but every
group *I've* known of has a Judas of some kind, i.e., one who has a divided
mind and personal ambitions that can be a negative contagion. Those ambitions
can have a deceptively noble appearance. Judas may sincerely have asked his
Lord, "Why don't you use your power to overthrow the cruel Romans?  What about
our persecuted race?" Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world." To Peter,
who also had a trace of those physical ambitions, He said, "Thou savourest not
the things that be of God, but those that be of men."

I wish I knew the answer to my own question. But I have a comment on yours. I
don't think it is certain that "fake Adepts" will fall away. In my experience
many do, but some stay and try to take over.

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