Digest 1282
Oct 15, 1997 01:15 AM
by Nicole Suter
To Bart Lidofsky: "This is why a group where the danger does not exist is
so rare.
And about the only way that a significant number of these groups can form
over the same period of time is if there is a tremendous amount of cross
pollenization, until the right group meets."
According to my opinion a group without danger does not exist at all. And
I think that's okay. Where there is a group there is danger.
"From extrapolating from the Mahatma Letters, a group that makes it all the
way only gets formed once every few centuries"
I have never read that - where do you have if from?
"Nobody can safely drop their shields with everybody; note that
the Mahatmas only did it with other Mahatmas. To drop your shields with
somebody, that other person must be highly compatible with you, and must
also be dropping his/her shields."
I agree 100 % here, except that I don't know what the Mahatmas did because
I have never met one. Have you?
"It is extraordinarily rare that a group of people who can do that meet each
other in a context where they might even try. It is my belief that, thanks
largely to the ideas brought to the West by the TS, an atmosphere of
encouragement for such groups to form has been created."
I can not understand you here. Why does it always have to be groups?
Nicole Suter
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