Re: Digest 1282
Oct 14, 1997 06:15 PM
by M K Ramadoss
At 12:41 PM 10/14/97 -0400, you wrote:
>To ...doss: "Just curious to know why you always immensely disliked K. "
>Honestly I think due to a very deep instinct in myself which seems to
>show up every time I come accross dependence. It showed up for the
>first time when I had (didn't want it all - but parents wanted it and I was
>just 14) to become a confirmation candiate. I am still laughing about
>the following scene - the vicar was standing in front of me very seriously
>mighty, dominant and asked "do you believe in God?" and I said "no"
>(because I belived in nature and nature was God to me not that kind of
>dominant "father" they selled at church) "well" the vicar said "do you
>then at least believe in Jesus Christ?" and I answered "I told you that I
>don't believe in God, so why should I believe in his son?" That was
>too much for the poor vicar and he forbade me to come to the religion
>class giving me time to stay outside in nature and have fun.
>"BTW have you visited the maillist listening-l which discusses K?"
>As you read above I have gone through some changes in my life which
>came from inside, from experience, from learning, from beeing interested
>in something. There are so many things I enjoy or learn daily, which I
>can discuss, which I have to think about and I am sorry but I lack the
>time to also discuss "K" and I am also much more interested discussing
>what other people think and feel than discussing the opinion of a "K"
>which was eventually written by "XYZ" (just guessing). But thank you
>for offering it.
>Nicole Suter
It appears there is some confusion here (please help clarify!).
We have the K who was hearlded as the World Teacher's vehicle and an
organization was set up === Order of the Star of the East and the apostles
were all appointed and everyone was waiting. The only person who said
nothing about the coming of the world teacher was K himself.
Then we have the K after the "Truth is a Pathless Land" statement and took a
stand that each has to find out Truth (or whatever we want to call) and no
organization, no leader, no system, no belief or anything of that sort is
going to help anyone searching for Truth. Many agree with him and many do
not. When he took the revolutionary unexpected stand, many agreed with him
and many did not.
It looks like your current thinking is somewhat on the lines of the post
"Truth is a Pathless Land" K. Correct me if I am wrong.
Thought I should share the above point of view.
BTW, I am glad at least no one has asked me when I was growing up whether I
belive in God with upper or lower case G.
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