Digest 1283
Oct 15, 1997 07:47 AM
by Nicole Suter
To Daniel re TS as a seed pot: ... "I have spent alot of time during
the last ten years studying two organizations: The Committee for
the Scientific Investigation of the Claims of the Paranormal and The
Worldwide Church of God. A book could be written on how these
two organizations have dealt with this above mentioned tendency
to maintain the "status quo"."
Thank you for all you wrote to me. I agree 100 % and sometimes also
watch a bit what the are doing to maintain the "status quo". When
I like to watch politics of Europe I go to the web search engine and
search for "vatican". But to me "to maintain the status quo" still
blocks creativity and it often feels that people doing it are kind of
half death. Somehow that world is rouled 180 degree the wrong way
around. Just my opinion.
To Titus re The new adepts: "Yes, that is why I decided to re-interpret
Bart's "dropping the ego".
I guessed so and tried to help a little.
"Certainly one cannot and should not get rid of the ego, which when illumined
becomes the doer for the Self. To use perhaps less ambiguous language ...
the selfish uses of the 3 lower chakras seem to be the downfall of charismatic
people in groups: uses of money, sex and power in service to the ego; the most
dangerous of which is the last."
Again - you speak out of the very root of my heart!
"Yes, wrong use of power is to take away another's volition, subtly or overtly.
It happens all too often."
I almost think if it doesn't you have found the exception.
"It depends on what is meant by "dropping shields" ..."
I tried to use Bart's expression in a more psychological way. I tried
to look up the English expression for the German specialist term
"Grenzen" but wasn't successful. It is relatet to personal limits.
If you know the correct expression I would be thankful for help.
To Bart Lidofsky re Digest 1282: "Essentially, in these groups, two people
have a disagreement as to what to do, and neither will back down.
Members pick one of 3 sides: 1) The first person is right, 2) The secon
person is right, 3) They're BOTH wrong, and should shut up. If the group
has a tradition, then members have something to hold to, and use it to get
past the fight. With no tradition, the group has no particular reason to stay
together, and falls apart."
Thank you for the explanations. I have another question - what does
happen if the BOTH are right?
To me that what you describe as tradition feels more like a power struggle
in its destructive form due to old not resolved conflicts. What do you
think about this?
"The high level of predictability of profits in casinos proves that
psychic ability/magic is almost certainly not based in ego. Therefore,
to properly utilize magic, one must be able to put one's ego aside"
I don't think this is possible to put one's ego aside Bart.
To ......mkr: "We have the K who was hearlded as the World Teacher's
vehicle and an
organization was set up === Order of the Star of the East and the apostles
were all appointed and everyone was waiting. The only person who said
nothing about the coming of the world teacher was K himself.
Then we have the K after the "Truth is a Pathless Land" statement and took a
stand that each has to find out Truth (or whatever we want to call) and no
organization, no leader, no system, no belief or anything of that sort is
going to help anyone searching for Truth. Many agree with him and many do
not. When he took the revolutionary unexpected stand, many agreed with him
and many did not."
Hi,hi, there are two cherries on top of the banana split now ...
"It looks like your current thinking is somewhat on the lines of
the post "Truth is a Pathless Land" K. Correct me if I am wrong.
I don't think that thruth is a pathless land but that there are as many
pathes to thruth as there are different human beeings and that some
pathes s e e m to ressemble to each other ...
"Thought I should share the above point of view."
Maybe you wish to explain why ...
"BTW, I am glad at least no one has asked me when I was growing up whether I
belive in God with upper or lower case G."
It pleases me when you feel glad.
To all: I shall be away for a few days now - so my answers will come later.
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