Digest 1277
Oct 13, 1997 01:45 AM
by Nicole Suter
To Bart Lidofsky: "I now understand better your statement, having looked
at the page (I really had no idea you meant going to a web search engine;
I hope that explains my total confusion)."
Aha, web search engine you call that - sorry I didn't know that but I hope
may English will emprove with the time. I had no intention to caus a con-
fusion - sorry.
"Are you trying to say that I come off like a white supremicist?"
Not at all! I am just trying to say that the situation you describe
(racism in New York and the political actions and reactions) is ressembling
to that what they promote on the "stormfront" web pages. We here in
Switzerland have similar problems with racism - the only difference is
that you can't read it in the news nor see it on TV because they hide it.
You can only learn that talking to people directly. Many things stay hiden
here you know, because of keeping the country's image clean so that they
can go on washing money ...
Still hoping to be realistically enough,
Nicole Suter
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