Re: Spiritualism
Oct 12, 1997 05:12 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain
In message <>, Bart Lidofsky
<> writes
> Just for your own information, for verification: I have seen sound
>films of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. To put it mildly, Nigel Bruce must have
>seen these, and based his performance as Dr. Watson on them. So if the
>Sir Arthur you met was anything like the Dr. Watson in the Basil
>Rathbone/Nigel Bruce films, you got the right spirit.
I am sure you are right about Nigel Bruce - the archetypal Dr. Watson
for me! However, those I meet I do not "see" as I have learnt to make
contact beyond the "seeing" levels. Kabbalistically, this is the
Briatic level (lower face).
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