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Re: THEOS-L digest 1279

Oct 12, 1997 04:18 PM
by CPickar965

In a message dated 97-10-11 15:52:28 EDT, you write:

<< And, rarely, a group clicked. They work together, forming a natural
 hierarchy based on competency; by dropping their mutual shields, there
 is no quarrel about who is in charge, because they KNOW who does what
 the best. New members are very carefully brought in, as it is very easy
 to disturb the delicate balance that exists. Old members seldom leave,
 so the size of the group remains stable (the group dies out more often
 than becoming oversized; when it becomes oversized, you end up with a
 mystery religion, which no longer evolves). And the monad of the group
 can evolve. It enables the members of the group to be able to, when
 connected to the group monad, reach that level of evolution, as well. As
 the group monad evolves, the members of the group have more and more
 difficulty in dealing with people outside the group, as they have to put
 up the shields which they can so comfortably lose when within the group.
 Members therefore don't like to talk about their group much, as
 attention to their group from the outside interferes with their ability
 to remain coherent. >>

Bart, I find this an extremely reasonable and practical viewpoint.  It seems
to me we place to much emphasis on making a big hoop-la about the variety and
role of  esoteric or spiritually oriented groups.   According to the idea of
periodicity and the Law of Cycles it seems as if most groups are destined to
fade away.  Unless, of course, they can change their purpose to fill a need
of the time.    It seems as if the nature of things require adaption or dying
out.  Adaption implies effort.  Unless the effort is made to  adapt then
clearly the cycle dies.   (A cell that can't adapt, also, dies.)   I think it
takes all members  of the nucleus to make the effort (more than just talk
(strife)).  So, based on that I tend to find your logic totally reasonable
and squabbling about groups dying a moot point.  Either do the work of
adaption or you will die out.  IMHO, the group kills itself thru an act of

>>So, in my opinion, the TS members are not the next Adepts; they are
holding the door open so that the new Adepts can get through. But, in
doing so, they increase the speed of the evolution of humanity as a
whole, and, therefore, their own evolution as well.>>

Amen!  But TS is one of  many speeding things up.  Even the groups that fade
a way serve a purpose in the development of humanity.


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