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Re: The New Adepts

Oct 12, 1997 03:46 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

Titus Roth wrote:

> A question, Bart.  Have you really had experience with a group that matches
> your description? BTW, my tone is not a challenging or mocking one.

	Not as a member, and never as a recruit. But yes, I have had experience
with groups that match my description (though the oldest group was not
much more than a century old), and, from their own descriptions, I see
the Mahatma's as a natural outgrowth of that sort of group.

	The key to such a group surviving is the ability of all to drop their
egos at the door, and to be able to pick them up again on their way out.
A failure of the former causes conflict, and a failure of the latter
makes them unable to survive with the rest of the world.

	Bart Lidofsky

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