Re: The New Adepts
Oct 13, 1997 12:34 PM
by Titus Roth
Bart Lidofsky <> wrote:
> The key to such a group surviving is the ability of all to drop their
> egos at the door, and to be able to pick them up again on their way out.
> A failure of the former causes conflict, and a failure of the latter
> makes them unable to survive with the rest of the world.
I take dropping the ego to mean not letting it be center stage. What do you
see as the magic ingredients making that possible?
There will always be contesting persons attracted to any group. That seems to
be a law. Out of every 12 will be a Judas. And everyone will have a Judas in
them. How do you handle it? How do you appeal to the higher ideals of people
rather than letting their lower natures take root?
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