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Re: The New Adepts

Oct 13, 1997 03:42 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

Titus Roth wrote:
> Bart Lidofsky <> wrote:
> > The key to such a group surviving is the ability of all to drop their
> > egos at the door, and to be able to pick them up again on their way out.
> > A failure of the former causes conflict, and a failure of the latter
> > makes them unable to survive with the rest of the world.
> I take dropping the ego to mean not letting it be center stage.  What do you
> see as the magic ingredients making that possible?

	Other way around. It is the ingredient that makes magic possible.

> There will always be contesting persons attracted to any group. That seems to
> be a law. Out of every 12 will be a Judas. And everyone will have a Judas in
> them. How do you handle it? How do you appeal to the higher ideals of people
> rather than letting their lower natures take root?

	As I stated, once a group monad is formed, a system, eventually
becoming a "chela" system, must be devised to avoid traitors. For the
group monad that I described to be formed in the first place, there
cannot be any traitors.

	Bart Lidofsky

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