Digest 1278
Oct 13, 1997 02:35 AM
by Nicole Suter
To Bart Lidofsky:
> " iconical wino" (- wouw - beautyful). Thank you - I enjoyed them very
> much and shall keep them for a while.
"me. It was a take-off on a previous thread when I was talking about
separating diamonds from garbage, and some responded that some people
find garbage to be valuable, so I replied that I was speaking iconically."
And I was just joking and playing with the words and somehow like that
"iconically". I looked at the word "garbage" in a spiritual way and in this
sense to me it doesn't exist.
..."Golden Rule to be "What you do to others, you are doing to yourself, and
what you do to yourself you are doing to others."
So do I - but to me this is more psychically than physically and starts
with an
intention that belongs to thinking. Just my opinion,
Nicole Suter
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