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Re: THEOS-L digest 1269

Oct 07, 1997 12:02 PM
by A. Safron

> From: libidia <>
> Subject: Re: THEOS-L digest 1269
> Date: Tuesday, October 07, 1997 11:20 AM
> > 12) Buddhism in USA
> > by
> Thanks for the reference...doss.  Something to look forward to reading.  I'm
> just home from emergency kidney surgery and feeling kinda fragile
> physically, but have to tell you that spiritually I was real strong.  The
> surgeon is this tall, gentle guy with an Indian name I can't pronounce and I
> liked the feel of him the moment I saw him.  I was interested to see what
> would happen during anaesthetic, but it was just a blackness from out to
> back in.  My dad died in PA at the same time as I was in surgery.  Lots to
> think about.  Still reading.  Take care you lot.  Annette.
Hope you are rapidly on the mend.  In the days after my father died, he
used to appear in my dreams.  Not every night, but just before something
important was supposed to happen.

A. Safron

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