Re: Masters as Aliens
Oct 07, 1997 10:50 AM
by Drpsionic
In a message dated 97-10-07 08:51:42 EDT, you write:
>In what way do they save themselves by concentrated thoughts - do
>the outer space guys just back off, run back to their ships and fly off?
Apparently they just sort of back off. I don't know the details.
>This is the first I've heard of any defense systems. Care to elaborate on
>the psionic idea?
>A. Safron
Essentially it uses the amplification and direction capabilities of psionic
equipment to fry their gray little brains. Since they have to remain open to
telepathy in order to communicate with each other, that means they are
vulnerable to anything else that is sent them. Pure anger and hatred,
amplified by a psionic device, may be able to kill them in serious large
numbers at the same time, sort of a mind bomb.
The other possible use for psionics is to interfere with the control and
drive systems of their vehicles, causing them to malfunction and crash.
Using the right equipment, it is theoretically possible to find and
depopulate their home world without leaving the comfort of your living room.
There is, in fact, an organization that is already working on doing just
No, I am not part of it, but they use a lot of my designs.
Chuck the Heretic
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