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Re: Those Elitist Gnostics

Oct 03, 1997 05:43 AM
by A. Safron

> From: Jerry Schueler <>
> Subject: Those Elitist Gnostics
> Date: Thursday, October 02, 1997 8:40 PM
> In a sense, Gnosticism was elitist. <snip>

Whatever.  Since my departure from the Gnostic church
in the Midwest because the bishop found it more to his liking to
become the head of a male modeling agency than the
head of a church, I really don't care.  After two years of
little training, he asked me to take over the church (and, of
course) the work, so he could pursue his second job.

I have no connection with gnostic church whatsoever at this time.

A. Safron

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