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Re: Those Elitist Gnostics

Oct 03, 1997 03:09 AM
by Jaqtarin Samantha Triele

I have the desire...what is the necessary work???

Gnosticism is not a new term for me, however, in the past I've passed by
it with the intention of figuring out what is was at a later date.  (Kind
of like I have been lately with this string...*smile*)

Gnosis sounds like some kind of sudden, divine revelation.  What exactly
is it?  And how would someone experience such a thing and not realize it?

Do I need any candles???


> So Gnosticsm tended to build up a have/have-not
> mentality, although they did teach that anyone could
> experience gnosis if the desire was strong enough to go 
> through all the necessary work.
> Jerry S.

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