Re: HPB's Article
Oct 28, 1997 11:27 AM
by ramadoss
At 11:33 AM 10/28/97 -0500, you wrote:
>To doss: I have been reading over that HPB article you posted.
>At home I have the Kosmogenesis, Antopogenesis and Esotheric
>works (which are not easy to buy and always change publisher,
>were out of print for a longer period - don't remerber exact dates
>but could look it up - and translated into German by Franz Hartmann)
>from HPB in German and I don't have any experience at
>all with Theosophical Societies, except what we discuss here on
>the list. But from how this article sounds like (the rythm of the
>language, the way the words are used) I feel HPB can not be the
>author of it. If HPB would write like this, I would never read
>it at all because I would consider this to be a waste of time.
>Can you explain to me please who said it was HPB writing it?
It was published in a magazine Lucifer which was edited by HPB. There is the
Collected Works of HPB which has all that she wrote and I think it may be in
it also. The reason why I am referring to Collected Works is it is a work
where one could get a good over view of her style and approach and her
responses to very many things.
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