HPB's article
Oct 30, 1997 08:42 AM
by Nicole Suter
To doss: "Cheer up!"
I'll try to!
"Theosophist must be good to every living being "
Aha, that's a m u s t. Well, if that's a m u s t , I feel I am asked
to much of.
"Be assured that I am a nice person and if any one is offended, it is
and my apologies are always there if perchance it happens unintentionally."
That sound's a bit childish, but sometimes I can be childish too.
"All of us are surrounded by a lot of difficulties and problems ..."
That's quite right - seems to be life. Lot's of luck for you.
"Let me try to respond as best as I can."
Thank you for that.
"You will find the language in the books like Isis and SD quite different,
when compared to the various articles she wrote"
And that is a very important difference. Approx. how many pages does
your version of the Isis have?
.."see her very dynamic uncompromising style"
Do you think she had the feeling, that she must be good to every living
beeing? I think she simply was herself, as she was, with all her "mistakes".
These "mistakes" are often that what makes you feel fond of another
person and not the his/hers so-called "perfect" sides. Would you feel
fond of somebody else if he/her is all "perfect"?
Lots of Sunlight for you,
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