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Oct 28, 1997 09:37 AM
by Titus Roth

Nicole Suter <> wrote:

> Shields to me are borders, limits - every human beeing needs shields
> and needs personality and there is nothing   l o w e r   in a self but it is
> important just to be yourselves.

It is part of our nature to build enclosures.  Enclosures, like all things,
have good and bad uses.  On the high side, they enable individuals, groups of
people, or nations to have a unique identity.  We are all looking for a frame
to put around the picture of our Selves.  Enclosures can be protective in that
they exclude thoughts, influences, or people that would be interfere with the
unfolding of that identity.  They can be harmful if they are cruelly
separative.  Enclosures can act as forms to contain ideas.  "This. Not That."

I don't know about you, but if I'm flying or driving across the border of a
different state or country, I can "feel" the change of enclosure.  Animals
seem to have a sense of territory and perhaps build their own etheric

A person's aura is a form of enclosure. It is protective, but also enables a
person to hear their own thoughts.  Sometimes I wonder if it gets "stuck" in
some peculiar protective reflex mode.  Have you ever been in a store or in a
crowd where you seem to be "invisible"?  You can't seem to catch anyone's

Just a random potpourri thrown together inspired by your comments.

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