Re: A New Foundation
Oct 25, 1997 02:42 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain
In message <>, writes
>> I can certainly imagine reasons, but it would not be because of simple
>>disagreement. For example, let's say someone sent 100 messages a day
>>saying, "You are all going to rot in hell unless you accept Jesus as
>>your personal savior." The repetitive messages would render the list
>>unreadable. Then comes the tough call.
>> Bart Lidofsky
>If I saw such a repetitive msg, then sender may desparately need immediate
>help. I will try to locate him/her and even try to see if I can find someone
>in that area who can provide psychiatric help. That would be my reaction.
As Doss knows, we have had regular bombardment from a Christian
fundamentalist on theos-l in the past, as many of us will recall. Most
people either answered him on his own terms (which he didn't like) or
else ignored him. Eventually we were all dismissed as children of the
devil or some such and he hasn't been heard from since. He even gave us
something to think about in theosophical terms, viz., what is the best
way for a theosophically, and therefore hopefully considerate person, to
treat such e-mail and its sender? IOW, he did us some good, even if we
didn't care for his message.
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