Re: A New Foundation
Oct 25, 1997 02:00 PM
by ramadoss
At 12:53 PM 10/25/97 -0400, you wrote:
> wrote:
>> Secondly like theos-xxxxx (unlike other moderated=censored mail lists) it is
>> totally uncensored and almost anything goes and I can't even dream that
>> either Dr. Bain or John Mead ever thinking of throwing out anyone for
>> anything (except for any illegal or criminal activity). It is this freedom
>> or fear of action from the list owner that makes the theos-xxx and ti-l such
>> a free forum where everyone is free to discuss anything they want to. Of
>> course those who are used life long to controlled environment may not like
>> such a free environment and may even be afraid of it.
> I can certainly imagine reasons, but it would not be because of simple
>disagreement. For example, let's say someone sent 100 messages a day
>saying, "You are all going to rot in hell unless you accept Jesus as
>your personal savior." The repetitive messages would render the list
>unreadable. Then comes the tough call.
> Bart Lidofsky
If I saw such a repetitive msg, then sender may desparately need immediate
help. I will try to locate him/her and even try to see if I can find someone
in that area who can provide psychiatric help. That would be my reaction.
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